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Market Analysis 3.25.25-Quiet Week So Far

Good Tuesday AM,

It has been a fairly quiet week so far. Bonds came under a little bit of pressure yesterday with the equity markets improving substantially and the large supply of treasury auctions slated for this week. Today, after the dismal consumer sentiment, bonds perked up a bit. The 10-year bond is sitting at 4.31%. It will drop, but it is in the same trading range it has been. We will start to trend back to the bottom of the channel with the 10yr into the low 4.20’s soon. Friday is going to be an interesting day with the Fed’s favorite inflation report, the PCE, being released with markets expecting a .3 increase.

I think it will be less, and if so, we should see some real improvement.  

On a different note, and timing truly is everything, as I just received my order of vials to submit my family’s DNA for analysis, 23andMe is bankrupt.

So what happens to all the genetic data it is holding?

DNA-testing company 23andMe has filed for bankruptcy, proposing to sell all of its assets. That includes biological information on millions of people.

In court documents, 23andMe said it plans to try to sell all of its assets, which includes the genetic data it accumulated for more than 15 million customers. That data can be sold to the highest bidder, according to legal experts.

A patchwork of state consumer privacy laws, as well as 23andMe’s original privacy statement, will play a role in governing how customer data is used. The company says its privacy policy will continue to apply in the event of a sale. A new buyer could choose to change the privacy policy, but customers would have to approve the new terms.

For the time being, 23andMe plans to continue operations.

The company told customers it won’t change how it stores, manages and protects customer data. Still, certain state authorities, including California’s attorney general, are encouraging 23andMe customers to delete any personal information that may be held by the company.

On Monday, 23andMe’s website was slow in processing some deletion requests as customers rushed to get their data out of the system, leaving some unsure of whether or how the process worked.

Stay safe and make today great!